What are Our Basic Human Rights?

What are Our Basic Human Rights? How can we make a difference?

How can we make a difference?

Throughout history man has pondered what is “fair”, equitable, and who should have and whom should have not.  It is my personal opinion that when any of us “have not” we all lack.  I am not saying I want a “Socialist” or “Communist” existence.  I am stating that each of us should care for the other.  In doing so, we will be providing opportunity for ourselves to follow God’s path for us.  When one of us is hungry – we are all hungry.  When one of us thirsts for clean water – we all thirst for clean water.  When one of us falls – we all fall.  I believe we are all One and if that is true we should treat each other the way we want to be treated ourselves – or NEED to be treated.

So, how should we be treated?

Most of society agrees that basic education is a foundational pillar.  Most every country offers education to its youth in one format or another.  So, yes, education is on the list.  What else?

Food?  We all agree that we need to eat to survive.  What we eat varies considerably.  But all of us need a certain amount of substance daily in order to stay alive.  So, yes, food makes it on the list.

Water?  Since 90% of our bodies are made of water, no one would argue the point that each of needs water to survive.  We can get some of that water through food, if we have access to vegetables and fruit – but at the most basic level, we need access to clean water, right?  Yes!  We all agree on that.

What about medicine? Now, here’s where it can get tricky.  Do we all need to have access to basic healthcare?  Vaccinations, antibiotics, clean places to deliver babies into this world.  I think everyone would agree that it is a basic human right to have “access” to these things and allow the individual to choose if they want to use them.  The result?  Malaria – the number one killer in the world – is down to record lows.  Throughout history when we openly shared basic medical practices – everyone became at less risk to die from plagues and disease.  So, in our own best interest-  so we don’t wipe out humanity with the latest “super virus” – yes! We need to provide the world with basic healthcare.

So, how do “I – Dawn Michelle Grunberg” provide THE ENTIRE WORLD with education, food, clean water and basic medicine?  How could “I”, one stay at home mom and small business owner possibly pull this off? What can I do each and every day to make a difference?  That was the question I asked myself in 2009 on my knees in my dressing room preparing for another day in the trenches of Corporate America?  My God heard my prayer and answered me with this, “You can make it about Me.”  So, that was what I did!  I began to make all of my hard work, my efforts, my focus, my long days and longer nights about His wants needs and desires – and when I did, Iconnectu was born.  Somewhere in all that I found the book by Richard Stearns The Hole In Our Gospel.  It was a huge game changer for me and I knew I could trust World Vision with the details of the “fixing” – I just needed to use my God given talent to bring the resources to the market place.

Today Iconnectu has children in Countries around the globe – Geni in Swaziland, Aiche in Mali, Abi in Sri Lanka, Hector in the Dominican Republic, Kejda in Albania, Degemen in Ethiopia, and Angel in Columbia.  Each one of them is assigned to one of our esteemed clients as an extension of our own “give back” to thank them for placing their trust and confidence in Iconnectu.  Each time we meet with the team and go over the work we have done on their behalf, we highlight the child that they have co-sponsored with us and leave them with something new to place on their bulletin board.  How can this help?  We hope it will bring them closer to seeing how THEY are making a difference when they work alongside Iconnectu.  We also hope to inspire them to do more themselves. We have resources in ICUGive that will set up a Strategic Giving Initiative customized just for them.  We also partner with amazing resources such as Yanik Silver’s group Evolved Enterprises to discover what a firm COULD do.

We are “walking the talk” literally on May 6th alongside World Vision as we sponsor a Iconnectu2Life Team to walk 6K for Clean Water.  Each of our Team Members has generously donated $50 and will be assigned a specific child from a village in need.  We will walk the same distance that millions of women and children walk daily to only get a little water – clean or dirty.  We will walk on beautiful Anna Marie Island’s Coquina Beach from the south end to Bridge Street and back.  They will walk over desert and through danger.  We will receive clean water before, during and after – they will not YET!  Each of the members of Iconnectu’s ICUCare Customer Experience Representatives are walking alongside us – as far away as Hawaii.  They are bringing along their family and friends.  So, we can honestly say we will be making a difference.  These Customer Experience Representatives work in their virtual offices from home and make “Thank You Calls” on behalf of our esteemed clients every day.  We really are, “Changing the World One Phone Call at A Time”.  To learn more about ICUCare click here and here to join our CER Team.

Want to walk?  From anywhere in the world – you too can join us – Click here for that!

Have an amazing life because what you leave behind is all that matters.