Hottest Trend in Marketing – Corporate Social Giving by Iconnectu


The Newest Trend in Marketing: Move your marketing dollars to fix something that breaks your heart.

QuoteFor every $1,000 you give in money, time, and resources earn $5,000 in new business!

Check out this 2 Minute Video:

How often does your firm get asked to support a local cause?
How do you decide which cause is better than others?
How much money do you give annually? Resources? Labor?
Does this generous giving support your Mission, your Vision, and your Values?
Could the time your team takes to process these be better spent elsewhere?

Iconnectu has a state of the art solution to answer each of these questions, and align your Corporate Giving perfectly.


  • Saves you Time and Money
  • Build your Brand Image
  • Feed your Social Marketing Engine
  • Increase your Team Loyalty and Retention
  • Maximize your Resources
  • Provide you with Tax Credits
  • Take the guess work out of giving

“If Giving Back were easy, more of us would do it.” – Michelle Grunberg, Founder of Iconnectu
Iconnectu will show you how to Give Back Fearlessly and Strategically.