Lead from Within


Lead from Within

We feel like this New Year is all about Love, and our friends at Cult Branding shared the same sentiment so I wanted to share a few ways we “show the love” at Iconnectu.

Primarily, the job at hand of ICUCare is performing love based Customer Experience Follow Up Calls on behalf of our clients. We call each and every customer and thank them for their business, ensuring they “feel the love” of our client. Yes, we ask if there’s anything we can improve upon- and that TOO is showing love. When we find out what we can do better, and then we do it, we honor the other person.

Secondary, we love each other by listening and creating a culture of continuous improvement brought by all. Our firm is 100% virtual, so web meetings have been well done for years. The key, in my humble leadership position, is not to yak at those meetings, but rather listen. We share what’s up with our accounts, challenges, great stories, and what is up in our families – new schools, puppies, you know. It’s awesome. Everyone gets a birthday card and a card on their work anniversary. We are loved, and show love everyday.

Finally, and most rewarding, we love the world around us. When we send the top 10% of our revenue to World Vision so they can stretch those resources and provide water, shelter, and education to “the least of us” we are showing love. True love, is laying down your life for your fellow man. We work everyday to ensure that extreme poverty is eradicated. It gives us great pleasure and pride. It is the essence of love coming back to us overflowing as we give from our resources.

Who will you give love to this year? How will you show mercy? Grace? Forgiveness?
Iconnectu can help you and ICUGive is our strategy to do it for any sized business, anywhere in the world. We dare you to love Big!

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