Out with the Old, In with the New!

customer feedback service

Why More and More Companies Are Turning to Customer Feedback Calls

A few years ago, e-mail customer surveys were considered the standard. Today, e-mail boxes are overloaded and what was meant to be a positive customer survey e-mail can easily become a nuisance.  Iconnectu’s comprehensive customer feedback service is different from most.  We have highly trained professionals who conduct personal customer survey phone calls to assess their impression of your products and/or services.  We feel that calling customers for feedback is the gold standard when it comes to providing an excellent customer feedback service.  Here’s why:

  1. Customer feedback calls allow for open dialog.
    When iconnectu conducts client feedback phone calls, we make sure the individual on the other end of the line knows that they be open and honest.  We give them an opportunity to share their true thoughts and feelings – good, bad or indifferent.  E-mail surveys either only allow for someone to check a box (i.e. highly satisfied, satisfied, highly dissatisfied, etc.) or force them to take time to type out a response. When someone is forced to type a response, they are more likely to be brief.  On the other hand, customer feedback calls encourage people to speak their true thoughts and also allow the opportunity for deeper thoughts and interaction.
  1. Customer survey phone calls can be quick and to the point.
    Quite often, it is faster for someone to speak their mind than “type” their thoughts.  When calling customers for feedback, iconnectu’s customer feedback service representatives take in-depth notes as the customer offers their input.
  1. E-mail’s often get pushed aside.
    How many times do you get an e-mail survey and push it to the side to complete later, only to never really find the time to complete it?  Customer survey phone calls can be conducted at the client’s convenience and won’t be forgotten.
  1. Calling customers for feedback is more personal.
    Since virtually everyone seems to send e-mail surveys these days, they have become stale and impersonal.  Customer survey phone calls give the impression that your customer’s feedback is truly important and that you’ve taken time to care.

Executed properly, client feedback phone calls can tell you a lot about your product, services and overall business.  Many people find the personal aspect of a business taking time to call to be very appealing and often makes them more likely to offer feedback.  There is certainly nothing wrong with e-mail surveys, however, client feedback phone calls can help you stand out from the crowd.  Are you ready to take your customer feedback strategy to a new level?  If so, contact iconnectu to learn more about how our customer feedback service can benefit you and your business.