Remove the Emotions of Unhappy Clients

Unhappy Customer

When Iconnectu makes customer service / experience follow-up calls on behalf of our esteemed clientele, we are able to remove many of the “emotions” associated with unhappy clients as we are an independent third party. How do we do that? It’s easy! We are not inside the operation and don’t know the source of the complaint intimately the way those inside the operation would. For instance, if we got a complaint about Lonnie, and he was our best and most favorite technician, it may bother a Customer Service Representative and they may be less inclined to allow the day to go smoothly. When Iconnectu makes our customer service / experience calls and we discover someone less than pleased with Lonnie, we can know he has done a great job in the past, and we can send the specifics to our client leadership for guidance. Decisions are made based on the truth as the client see it, truth as the technician sees it, and somewhere in the middle is the reality.

Do you have a tough time getting the truth from your clients?

Does it disrupt your operation when a “complainer” rises?

Connect with us today and we will take some of the emotions out of your Customer Experience today.

Read: Emotionally Fueled Behavior Affects Working Relationships