Update From Aiche in Mali

Mali is having great difficulty right now. Despite its struggles we got a letter from little Aiche: “I am very glad to receive your card. I am doing well as out my family members. We are now growing our farms. Thank you for writing me. May God bless you! See you soon. Aiche.

Reflections from My Day

I keep a daily journal that begins just after my chapter reading in The Scriptures. I always reflect on the day before and give proper thanks. Today’s reflections may warm your heart: August 16, 2018 WOW! What a grace filled inspiring day yesterday was! Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control plus […]

Global Leadership Summit 2018

It’s the time of year again when we set aside our day to day work and sit shoulder to shoulder with Christian Business and Non-Profit leaders in my community. I’ve invited many of my friends and my associates this year. While I don’t think any of them are coming, I thought I should share what […]

Aiche from Mali wrote us a letter

It brings me such joy to look in my mailbox at the office and get a letter from one of the sweet children we work hard to support. Today we received this letter from Aiche. We shared our dream to support 25 kids by the end of 2019. She was kind to encourage us. We […]

Customer survey phone calls

When choosing a customer feedback service provider, you want to choose a company that has all of the right elements in place to gather the most pertinent information as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Let’s take a look at some qualities to consider when choosing a customer feedback service provider: Method You want to choose […]

World Vision U.S. announces new president and CEO: Edgar Sandoval

This is a great time for us. Richard Stearns, the second CEO of World Vision, has been such a great and powerful influence in Iconnectu. His book The Hole In Our Gospel is the second most influential piece in our journey. In it he outlines the plight of need in our world and what it […]

customer feedback service

Why More and More Companies Are Turning to Customer Feedback Calls A few years ago, e-mail customer surveys were considered the standard. Today, e-mail boxes are overloaded and what was meant to be a positive customer survey e-mail can easily become a nuisance.  Iconnectu’s comprehensive customer feedback service is different from most.  We have highly […]


“The generous contributions of our corporate partners enable World Vision to make a powerful impact in communities here at home and around the world. With a wide range of turnkey and tailored partnership opportunities, programs and infrastructure in nearly 100 countries, and proven, trusted expertise, we help hundreds of companies each year make meaningful investments […]

Michelle Grunberg

How iconnectu became leading CX follow-up product “Early mornings I would take a run past a grocery store that was discarding food daily. I would then see on the news the plea for help for the poorest around the world – clean water, medicine, and education. This disconnect was the driving force in creating Iconnectu. […]

Three Ways Customer Feedback Calls Can Elevate Your Business

Customer feedback calls are a valuable tool for any size business. When managed by a neutral third party, customer feedback phone calls can yield valuable information that otherwise may not be obtained by in-house staff. When iconnectu conducts customer survey calls, we put the customer at ease and encourage open and free communication. This allows […]